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Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Sonchus Arvensis L

Tempuyung (Sanchus arvensis L.) is a plant that grows rapidly in the region 50-1650 m altitude above sea level. Large roots and straight, cylindrical stalks and remove the sap, leaves are oval and bitter taste, yellow flowers, and fruit hard, thin yellowish brown. Research proves that contain alpha-laktoserol tempuyung, mannitol, inositol, silica, potassium, flavonoids, and taraxasterol.
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae). There are four species found in Southeast Asia, namely S.asper (L) Hill; S.malaianus Miquuel; S.oleraccus S.arvensis L and L.
Indonesia: Jombang (Java), lalakina, clay, rayana (Sunda)Other: She Niu tou (China), Lampaka (Philippines), nh (ux) c (us) c (Vietnam)
Ecology: widespread deployment of S.asper and S.oleraceus is testament to their prowess in adapting to the environment. Parks and fertile soil that is moist habitat normally. S.asper more able to live in a place that is cooler and more humid than S.oleraceus. This plant has no other growing requirements.S.malainus has been known to live in the woods and along the road at an altitude of 1000 meters in Sumatra and Java. S.arvensis grow in damp places such as in the layered soil and irrigation canals to a height of 3200 meters. )

Ocimum Basilicum Linn

Sweet Basil, French Basil (Great Britain), Berbers, Tulsi (Hindi), Raihan (Arabic), Bai horapa (Thai)
Basil is one species that are generally recognized as basil. There are approximately 150 species of this genus and species Ocimun basilicum is paramount. He has long been known to have a diversity of sources rich in oil and starch. These plants come from tropical regions and separa tropical Asia, Africa and Central and South America. Now widespread in the area of ​​heat on both hemispera from sea level up to approximately 1.800 m high. Although even basil plant has been for centuries in our country, but he still planted area of ​​the kitchen garden is specifically for the purpose selasih similar crops are grown to bristle with a height between 30-90 cm. Sided trunk and the same color are green, purple or war. The leaves are dark green, oval-shaped single ('ovate'). In this country in the habit of flowering for plants from seeds started after approximately 75 days after the planting to the fields. The entire portion of plant odors may issue a very flavorful.

Mirabilisjalapa Linn

Synonyms:Jalapa congesta Moench. Nyctago hortensis, Bot.Familia:NyctaginaccaeDescription:Annual herb, erect, 20 cm high - 80 cm, originating from South America, many people planted as an ornamental plant in the yard or as a barrier fence. Growing up in the lowlands receive sufficient sunlight or in hilly areas. Including interest-kampahan kampah, trunked wet, heart-shaped leaves, dark green color, length 2 cm - 11 cm, width 8 mm - 7 cm, base of leaf rounded, tapered tip, flat leaf edges, where the line of sight, has a long petiole 6 mm - 6 cm. The flowers are trumpet-shaped, with many different colors including: red, white, orange, yellow, striped kombinasi/belang-. Blooms in the evening and the bud back in the morning before dawn. The fruit is hard, black, egg-shaped, can be made powder. Blackish brown tuber skin color, elongated spherical shape, length 7 cm - 9 cm with a diameter of 2 cm - 5 cm, the contents of the white bulbs.

Hibiscus Schizopetalus

Hibiscus this one does not include Hibiscus rosa-Sinensis, for a variety of different forms of flowers and leaves. This plant is commonly planted as an ornamental plant in the yard, or as a hedge plant in the countryside. According to the literature, this plant in 1901 entered into Taiwan. Origin, probably from tropical Africa. Erect shrub, 2-4 m high, the upper branches generally hung, single leaves, stemmed, oval shape, jagged edge, pointed tip and base, 2-12 cm long, 1 to 7.5 cm wide, growing tip of a twig crowding . Flowers stand alone, out of the armpit leaves, lying hanging down with a long stalk 8-16 cm long, petals malekuk upward. Typical shape petals, bercangap double pinnate with narrow Taju, memorable ragged, bright red color with older base. Stamen tube limp, 8-9 cm in length. Will bear fruit five. Propagation by stem cuttings or seeds.

Abutilon Indicum

Synonyms:= Sida indicum, Linn.Familia:MalvaceaeDescription:This plant can be found from 1-400 m above sea level. Liking the open like in the jungle, shrubs, bare soil is displaced, sometimes planted in the garden as an ornamental plant. Long-lived upright shrub, height 0.5 to 3 rn, often woody at base with branches coming out from below, short-haired and meetings. Leaves alternate location, long-stemmed, shaped like a heart with the tip pointed, jagged edges or rough beringgit, bone menjari leaves, 3-11 cm long, 2.5 to 7 cm wide. Single flowers with five yellow petals, diameter 2 to 2.5 cm, 2-6 cm long stemmed, out of the armpit leaves and blooms after noon. Fruit shaped like a ball with a high pressure 1.5 cm, 2.5 cm cross section, consisting of 15-20 gap that contains 3 pieces of kidney-shaped seeds. This herb is a plant that produces white fiber. Propagation by seed.

Gloriosa superba L

Synonyms:= Methonica superba, Lamk.Familia:LiliaceaeDescription:This plant can be found growing wild in the bush, teak forests, sometimes planted as an ornamental plant in rambatkan on the fence or pergola from the coast to 300 m above sea level. Originally from the tropics in Asia and Africa, like the open exposed to full sunlight. Diligent flowering especially early in the rainy season, and is known to have rhizomes that are toxic, long-lived annual Herbaceous plant, climbing, reaching 2.5 m tall, branching wide. The trunk is soft, contained climb with tendrils leaf tip. Single leaf shape lanceolate, pointed tip, base embrace the stem, flat edge, 8-25 cm long, 1-4 cm wide, green color, elongated flower buds are round, long-stemmed, tapered end facing down. When blooming, the flowers will turn up, crown-shaped flowers of six clubs, the top color is red, yellow-green base. Flower color red over time will become a whole and not quickly wither. Fruit 4-5 cm in length. Seeds many, red-orange color. Its roots have a horizontal rhizome and large. Propagation by seed or rhizome.

Murraya Paniculata

Synonyms:= M. banati Elm. = M. exotica, Linn. = M. exotica var. sumatrana Coord. et Val. = M. glenieli THW. = M. odorata, Blanco. = M. sumatrana, Roxb. = Chalcas paniculata, Linn. = C. camuneng Burm.f. = C. intermedia, Roem. = Connarus foetens, Blanco, = C. santaloides, Blanco.Familia:RutaceacDescription:Ordinary yellow grows wild in thickets, forest edges, or planted as an ornamental and hedge plant. Myrtle can be found up to an altitude of 400 m above sea level. Morphological variation is enormous. What used to be planted to fence off the yard, usually small-leaved species and bushy. Shrub or small tree, much branched, height 3-8 m, stems hard, grooved, not prickly. Leaves compound, with the odd finned leaflets 3-9,. alternate location. Strands of child-stemmed leaves, ovoid shape breech or ellipse, tapered tip and base, flat or slightly beringgit edge, length 2-7 cm, width 1-3 cm, smooth, shiny, its color is green, does not smell when crushed. Compound interest-shaped bunches, 1-8, white, fragrant, exit from armpit leaf or twig ends. Buni Fruit fleshy, oval or round elongated, the length of 8-12 mm, green when young old shiny red, seeded two.

Canangium Odoratum

Synonyms:Hook and Thorms.Familia:AnnonaceaeDescription:Boxwood (Canangium odoratum) is a large-trunked plants up to 0.1 to 0.7 meters in diameter with age decades. Plants have memories stems brittle (easily broken) at the time of his youth. Height of this tree can reach 50-20 meters. Ylang flowers will appear on the trunk or upper branches of trees with a specific arrangement of flowers. A ylang flower consists of 6 pieces of leaves with a yellow crown and equipped with 3 pieces of green leaves. The composition of compound interest with the forks. Ylang scented flowers and distinctive. In the countryside, often maintained to be picked ylang flowers. Wild plants which are now beginning this rarely easy to grow in low-lying areas starting altitude of 25-1000 meters above sea level.

Pterocarpus indicus Willd

Synonyms:Pterocarpus flavus Lour. BLCO pterocarpus pallidus.Familia:Papilionaceae (Leguminosae).Description:Tree, height 10-40 m. End of the branch-haired. Leaves lanceolate forms the fulcrum, the length of 1-2 cm. Leaves alternate. Leaflets 5-13, oval elongated, tapered, blunt, shiny once, 4-10 times from 2.5 to 5 cm; child stalk lk 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Bunches of flowers at the tip and sit in the armpits, little or not branched, brown-haired, blooming lot, 7-11 cm long; children stems from 0.5 to 1.5 cm; flowers are very fragrant. Calyx bell-shaped to form a tube, 5-toothed, lk 7 mm high. Orange-yellow crown. Hoofed petals; field flag Iingkaran or ovoid shape upside down, pleated strong, curved back, diameter approximately 1 cm; keel shorter than wings, pale. Will bushy-haired fruit, short-stemmed, 2-6 ovule. Stemmed leguminous above the rest of the petals, nearly round the circle, with a beak on the side, once flattened, winged around, do not open, midline ca. 5 cm, on the mother's bone yarig Iebar with thick leaves. Seeds mostly 1. Often planted; 100-800 m. Note: The wood in color and very good quality; used as building materials and wood furniture. In the Moluccas the root of this tree produces wood "(wortelhout) is good. Her skin was used as a drug; in the tree alive rnengandung blood red liquid. Parts used Bark, sap (resin) and young leaves.

Kaempferia Galanga

Family: ZingiberaceaeDescription:Powder (Kaempferia galanga), including interest and Zingiberaceae plant classified as a medicinal plant species that have medicinal, fruit flesh most tender and not fibrous. Powder is a small terna that thrives in the lowlands or the mountains where the land is loose and not too much water. Kencur rhizome has a specific aroma. Kencur fruit flesh is white and brown outer skin. The number of strands of leaf kencur no more than 2-3 sheets with opposite arrangement. The flowers are arranged and a half sitting with flower crown amounted to between 4 to 12 pieces, lip berwara violet flowers with white color is more dominant. Kencur grow and develop in a particular season, ie during the rainy season. Powder can be planted in pots or in the garden is enough sunlight, not too wet and in the open.