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Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Pterocarpus indicus Willd

Synonyms:Pterocarpus flavus Lour. BLCO pterocarpus pallidus.Familia:Papilionaceae (Leguminosae).Description:Tree, height 10-40 m. End of the branch-haired. Leaves lanceolate forms the fulcrum, the length of 1-2 cm. Leaves alternate. Leaflets 5-13, oval elongated, tapered, blunt, shiny once, 4-10 times from 2.5 to 5 cm; child stalk lk 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Bunches of flowers at the tip and sit in the armpits, little or not branched, brown-haired, blooming lot, 7-11 cm long; children stems from 0.5 to 1.5 cm; flowers are very fragrant. Calyx bell-shaped to form a tube, 5-toothed, lk 7 mm high. Orange-yellow crown. Hoofed petals; field flag Iingkaran or ovoid shape upside down, pleated strong, curved back, diameter approximately 1 cm; keel shorter than wings, pale. Will bushy-haired fruit, short-stemmed, 2-6 ovule. Stemmed leguminous above the rest of the petals, nearly round the circle, with a beak on the side, once flattened, winged around, do not open, midline ca. 5 cm, on the mother's bone yarig Iebar with thick leaves. Seeds mostly 1. Often planted; 100-800 m. Note: The wood in color and very good quality; used as building materials and wood furniture. In the Moluccas the root of this tree produces wood "(wortelhout) is good. Her skin was used as a drug; in the tree alive rnengandung blood red liquid. Parts used Bark, sap (resin) and young leaves.

 Local Name:NAME OF Asan, Athan (Aceh); Sena (Gayo); Sena, Hasona, Sona (Batak); Wood Red (East), Asana, lime Sana, Sana flower (Minangkabau), Sana flower (Madura); Kenaha (Solor) ; Aha, Dragon, Aga, Naakir (North Sulawesi); Tonala (Gorontalo); Candana (Bugis); Na, Nar, (Bread), Lana (Buru). FOREIGN NAME: NAME simplicia: Pterocarpi Cortex; Bark Angsana.Curable Disease:Adstringen and diuretic properties. Biological Research, 1990. Department of Pharmacy, Mathematics and Natural Sciences USU. Has conducted research on the effect of infusion of the leaves Angsana decrease blood sugar levels compared with tolbutamid rabbits. From the results of these studies, it turns out Angsana leaf infusion 5 ml, 10% and 20Io orally lowers blood sugar levels of rabbits. Effect of infusion of 10% there was no difference with 50 mg / kg tolbutamid, whereas infusion decreased by 20% larger than the effect by tolbutalmid.Utilization:PropertyAdstringen and diuretics.USEBark:Kidney stones.Thrush mouth (gargle).Young leaves:Diabetes.Ulcers (external drug).Sap (Kino):Wounds (topical).Oral thrush (external drug).INGREDIENTS AND doseKidney StonesRemedy:Angsana 3 grams of barkLeaves Keji shard 2 gramsMustache cat leaves 4 gramsWater 115 mlWays of making:Made infusion or poured boiling.How to use:Drink 1 a day 100 ml. When the stone has come out, either crystalline or cloudy urine or urine that scummy then giving herbal medicine is stopped. Then followed tea leaf Mustache cat 6% in water. 6 grams of cat whiskers leaves brewed with boiling water of 100 ml. Drunk as tea drinking habits.Oral thrushRemedy:Angsana 4 grams of barkSaga 4 grams of fresh leavesLeaf Sirih fresh 3 strandsWater 115 mlWays of making:Made infusion or poured boiling.If required add 10 grams of gypsum on beningan, silenced for a moment, then filtered and taken part nodes. (The cast can be bought in pharmacies or chemical stores).How to use:To rinse, every 3 hours once, each time using 50 ml, if necessary, can be diluted with water.UlcerBoils are washed with clean water or alcohol 70%. Angsana kneaded and then leaves attached to the adhesive. Updated every 3 hours.Composition:Resin known as kino (kinotanat acid and red dye

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