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Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
Murraya Paniculata
Synonyms:= M. banati Elm. = M. exotica, Linn. = M. exotica var. sumatrana Coord. et Val. = M. glenieli THW. = M. odorata, Blanco. = M. sumatrana, Roxb. = Chalcas paniculata, Linn. = C. camuneng Burm.f. = C. intermedia, Roem. = Connarus foetens, Blanco, = C. santaloides, Blanco.Familia:RutaceacDescription:Ordinary yellow grows wild in thickets, forest edges, or planted as an ornamental and hedge plant. Myrtle can be found up to an altitude of 400 m above sea level. Morphological variation is enormous. What used to be planted to fence off the yard, usually small-leaved species and bushy. Shrub or small tree, much branched, height 3-8 m, stems hard, grooved, not prickly. Leaves compound, with the odd finned leaflets 3-9,. alternate location. Strands of child-stemmed leaves, ovoid shape breech or ellipse, tapered tip and base, flat or slightly beringgit edge, length 2-7 cm, width 1-3 cm, smooth, shiny, its color is green, does not smell when crushed. Compound interest-shaped bunches, 1-8, white, fragrant, exit from armpit leaf or twig ends. Buni Fruit fleshy, oval or round elongated, the length of 8-12 mm, green when young old shiny red, seeded two.
Local Name:Kamuning (Sunda), yellow, kumuning (Java).; Kajeni, yellow, kemoning (Bali), kamoneng (Madura),; Kamuning (Menado, Makasar), kamoni (Bare), Palopo (Bugis).; Kamuni (Bima) . eseki, tanasa, kamone, kamoni (Moluccas).; Jiu xiang li, yueh chu (China), Orange jessamine (UK).;Curable Disease:Inflammation of the testicles (orchitis), inflammation of the airways (bronchitis); urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, leucorrhea, toothache,; irregular menstruation, excessive body fat, slimming body,; Pain in peptic (ulcer), porters rough, bruised in a collision,; rheumatism, sprains, insect bites and poisonous snakes, eczema,; Ulcer, ulceration, epidemic encephalitis B, open sores on the skin.;Utilization:PART USED:Leaves, twigs and roots. Bark is also medicinal.INDICATIONS:Leaves and twigs are useful to address:- Inflammation of the testicles (orchitis), inflammation of the airways (bronchitis), infectionurinary tract, gonorrhea,- Vaginal discharge,- Come irregular menstruation,- Excessive body fat, slimming body, pain in the ulcers (ulcers),toothache,- Rough skin.The root is useful to address:- Bruises from the impact or shock, rheumatic pain, sprains,- Bitten by poisonous insects and snakes, boils, eczema, ulceration.- Epideniik encephalitis B.Bark is useful to address:- Tooth pain, pain due to open sores on the skin or mucous membranes (ulcers).HOW TO USE:Roots and dried leaves as much as 9-1 5 g or 30-60 g of fresh leaves, boiled or soaked in wine, then rninum. For external use only, and then crushed fresh leaves are put in place the sick, or boiled, the water for washing.EXAMPLE USAGE:1. UlcerRoots of 30 g of dried yellow washed and cut into piecesas needed. Boil 3 cups of water until the water boiledl cup remaining. After chilling filtered then drunk. 2 times a day,each 1 / 2 cup.2. Rheumatism, sprains, bruises:Yellow root dry as much as 15-30 g of washed then cut intopieces as needed. Add the wine and water each 1 1 / 2glass, then boiled until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered,Then drink 2 times a day, each 1 / 2 cup.3. Bruising:Myrtle and glass plates, each leaf of fresh, just as much,washed and milled halus.Tambahkan a little wine while stirring aton the fire. Warm placed on the body whichbruised.4. Painful arthritic joints:Yellow roots and root tembelekan (Lantana camara) was washed,add 3 pairs of chicken feet. All material is cut into piecesThen if necessary add enough water to cover.All the material is then steamed. Then warm water was drunkat once.5. Toothache:Oil coming out of the yellow bark is burneddripped into a hollow tooth.6. Slimming the body:Yellow leaves and leaf fresh Noni (Morinda citrifolia)each a handful, and meeting dribbles as much as 1 / 2 fingerspinkie finely ground. Add 1 cup cooking water whilestir evenly. Squeeze with a piece of cloth. Water collecteddrunk once in the morning before eating.7. Inflammation of the scrotum:Leaves 9 to 60 g of fresh yellow and bitter herbsas much as 35 g of washed and then boiled in 3 cups water untilthe remaining 1 cup water. After chilling filtered, then taken 2 timesa day, each glass. Do it every day until cured.8. Urinary tract infections:Fresh yellow leaves as much as 35 g of washed and then add 3 cupsclean water. Boil until the water remaining half. After the coldfiltered and taken 3 times a day, each 1 / 2 cup.9. Come irregular menstruation:Yellow leaves and leaf polish girlfriend (Lawsonia inermis) wereeach fresh ingredients as much as 1 / 2 phones, a ginger rhizomefingers, washed and cut into pieces as needed. Add 3 cups of waterThen clean the water is boiled until remaining 1 glass. After the coldfiltered, then taken 2 times a day, each 1 / 2 cup.10. Rough skinFresh yellow leaves as much as 30 g of washed then pounded intocreamed. Add 1 cup water, stirring rate. MaterialThe last dilulurkan on the skin before bed.NOTE:- Outside the country had made of patented drugs by name Tongzhongling.- Capsules prolipid also contain this herb.Composition:CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Leaf contains cadinene yellow, methyl-anthranilate, bisabolene, P-earyophyllene, geraniol, 3-carene, eugenol, citronellol, methyl-salicylate, s-guaiazulene, osthole, paniculatin, tannins, and coumurrayin. Bark contains mexotioin, 5-7-dimethoxy-8-(2,3-dihydroxyisopentyl) coumarin. While the yellow flowers contain scopeletin, and the fruit contains a semi-ec-carotenone. Pharmacological Effects and Outcomes Research: 1. Infusion of leaves yellow powder with a dose of 1,000 mg / kg in albino mice with experimental analgesic ingredient comparison asetosal 52 mg / kg, giving an analgesic effect (Pudjiastuti, et al., PowerPoint 59, 1989). 2. Yellow leaf infusion at a dose of 210 mg, 420 mg and 840 mm MGL 200 g given orally to mice immediately before injection karagenin 0.2 ml 1% solution in physiological NaCl subplantar (udern maker of artificial substances). In the yellow leaf infusion at a dose of 840 mg/200 g bb shows the effect of anti-inflammatory diclofenac sodium at a dose close to 8 mg/200 g mm is used as a comparison (Farida Ibrahim, Jubeini, Katrin, Rosrini, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Ul Pharmacy - No news Perhipba . Lllll, Jan-March 1995). 3. Yellow leaf infusion of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% as much as 0.5 ml in mice to lose weight were significantly (Ika Pure Sugiarti, Department of Biological Science UNAIR, 1990).
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